Being healthy begins early.
Being healthy begins with a start.
Being healthy begins with HealthStart.
HealthStart is an initiative to partner with schools, parents, and caregivers to collaborate, co-operate, and co-create happier, healthier childhoods. We believe that school is the most influencing factor at an early age. It is the perfect place to inculcate healthy habits. Children are the future of the world and the next generation to come, this is why it is essential to plant the seed of health in their minds.
So what does being healthy at a young age look like?
- Correct Nutrition, Water intake, and the 10 healthy habits mantra.
- Emotional wellbeing for children and teachers.
- Proper hygiene.
- Physical activity.
HealthStart has specially designed an app for seamless communication among schools, parents & children. This takes care of regular monitoring and insight for every child’s health and wellbeing.
In order to promote schools to inculcate healthy habits in their students, HealthStart in association with Education World (EW) has introduced an Exceptional Health and Hygiene Award which is to be conferred upon participating schools that score highest on the assessments